What is Follow Friday all about?

One of my Twitter followers asked me this morning: “What’s all this #ff stuff about?”

So I explained – and thought I would pop the info here, in case anyone else was too scared to ask out loud.

#ff is short for Follow Friday. It’s rather like a Twitter version of inviting two mates who you think would hit it off, to the pub at the same time, so you can introduce them. Follow Friday was the brainwave of Micah Baldwin. His original Tweet explains the concept beautifully: “I am starting Follow Fridays. Every Friday, suggest a person to follow, and everyone follow him/her. Today it’s @fancyjeffrey and @w1redone.”

The idea went viral, and was soon creating a massive spike in Twitter activity.

So if you feel like it, why not start #ff yourself? Who amuses/impresses you – and you think your friends would like to follow?

More about hashtags in general here http://twitter.pbworks.com/w/page/1779812/Hashtags